Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Set Lunch

Had lunch with a friend working near Sheraton Imperial Hotel today. Instead of the fishball noodle at the old & "up dup" shop, i opt for something at the Heritage Row. Though i did crave for the fishball but that was far too hot for me. My friend said the set lunch of this French & Spanish Restaurant is quite reasonable, you know there arent really cheap stuffs along the Heritage Row. The sets are priced at Rm20++, RM 25++ and Rm35++. The set will come with salad, soup or tapas, main course, a cold drink and the dessert.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

任何一個人都不可以教我放棄, 我不會放棄的

再見了, 長今和閔大人. 謝謝你們在過去幾個月的每個週末下午4點到7點陪著我和無數的觀眾. 終於也來到了終點, 但願長今那永不放棄的精神不會在我們的生活中消失

Saturday, August 27, 2005

ole ole ole

這是我今年認識OLE 以來的第七次光顧. 朋友說這裡的咖啡有種幸福的味道, 我就認為還不至於去到那種境界. 可是至今我還是無法忘記喝下第一口latte時的那個味道.那層厚厚的foam 絕對不是從那些總有一間在附靜的咖啡連鎖店中所能得到的. 可能就是這個原因, 我喜歡上這裡的咖啡, 偶爾都會來這裡hea下. 這裡的咖啡也比連鎖店的貴, 食物種類屬輕便型. 若想填飽肚子而又好吃的話, 我就建議你可以先光顧附近聞名城中的叉燒飯或者牛肉麵.

ole cafe
48 Changkat Bukit Bintang (opposite Radius International Hotel, next to Deutsches Haus)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I want to leave now

Have been thinking to visit the bookstore to grab some books, magazines and CD right after work and i had actually got myself ready to leave at 5.30pm sharp. But..... no, is not my boss who ask me to stay back (in fact he has gone no where in the afternoon), is my colleague are asking me out for dinner. Well, i am not reluctant to eat with them but seem that i will have to wait until 7pm then only i can leave this crap place. You know, i am not as motivated as my colleague do, i am now having very very low interest to my job. What am i going to do in the next hour? Hmm, i think i will have my shower in the gym.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i am what i am

i am what i am

<男或女, 喜歡誰? 我不會多作解釋. 不管你喜不喜歡我, 我都很喜愛我自己.>

Monday, August 22, 2005

Why Kukup?

為什麼會是KUKUP? 一個離開KL有差不多4個小時車程(如果沒有多餘的停下來吃東西, 塞車或者狂風暴雨天氣的阻擋) 的小魚村. 其實就是想找個"就腳"(這個形容詞比較適合那些從新加坡過來的人) 的地方大家聚在一起, 為即將遠赴他鄉工作和踏上紅地毯的兩位朋友有一番"搞作". 要製作驚喜是困難的, 但我想我們已經有足夠的能力去應付, 我們人強馬壯, 有甚麼不可? 一齣五分鐘的搞笑劇和一首企圖賺人熱淚的<童話>. 正如艷芬所說的, 我們就是這種喜歡搞作的人, 娛樂他人之餘, 自己也獲得無限的滿足. 雖然被荃暉18歲的妹妹說我們這些"老餅"很難得仍保留一顆純真的心, 但我想這就是我們.

kUkUp 20~21 August 2005

day 1 ~ 20 august

0715 - depart from my house
0800 - depart from sylvia's house
1000 - breakfast at malacca
1130 - jorney continued.....
1400 - arrival at kukup
1400 ~ 1730 - indoor activities
1730 - afternoon tea
1800 ~ 2100 - indoor activities continued....
2100 - dinner
2300 - SHOW TIME !! - The bridal shower drama
2330 - drinking cum talking session
0200 - zZZZZzzzzz.......

day 2 ~ 21 august

0930 - breakfast talk
1100 - bridal shower video session
1130 ~ 1330 - indoor activities & photo sessions
1330 ~ 1500 - lunch
1500 - depart from kukup
1900 - stuck in the traffic after malacca
2000 - no choice, dinner at seremban
2100 - journey continued....
2215 - arrive sylvia's house
2245 - reach my house, finally......

x x x x

2300 - "jewel in the palace" repeat on tv
0200 - zzZZZZzzzz.......

Friday, August 19, 2005

check check check list

check list:
1) digital camera
2) video camera
3) tripod
4) theme song cd
5) cds to be played in car
6) junk food
7) drinks.....but i still havent got the vodka and
8) what else?

Kukup here i come!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Great, you are back.

Yeh, my best fren at home has came back, my beloved CPU. Though you have gone thru a brain replacement operation and washed away all my precious memories, i feel great that you are still with me. Well, i think we just have to start our relationship all over again and hope that you will not hurt me again.

Monday, August 15, 2005

BBQ in the rain???

Cool, the sky was clear of haze during the weekend! Come, lets have bbq instead of "pot luck" on the sunday party (not intended to increase the API). You know, is not necessary to have so many chances to bbq at the pool side of one of the KL mid,high-end condominium(of course, is not mine).

Aih, we still missed the great chance to go under the sun after all these depressing weather because of the afternoon downpour......

So, what to do with the chicken wings and food? Then just cook them in the kitchen and eat lo.....

Saturday, August 13, 2005…劍

是不是所有的武俠片都逃不過深仇大恨, 你死我亡的故事情節? 無可否認<七劍>的製作過程是艱辛的, 所有的人都挨了不少的苦頭, 這一點我是絕對佩服的. 但是, 我卻似乎不太懂得欣賞這部片子, 甚至覺得它沉悶. 雖說武俠片少不了打打殺殺, 可是七劍卻有點過分暴力和血腥, 看了都覺得不安. 演員方面都算不錯, 我其實不是想針對黎明, 可是他給人的感覺像一位書生多於一位劍客, 和楊采妮摆在一起就更加像梁山伯與祝英台. 嚴格來講, 這不算一部富娛樂型的電影, 至少對我而言.


對, 就當我不想買(U87)時, 就讓我從廣播聽到這首歌. 通過耳機聽到Eason的聲音, 那是一種很貼近, 很 “ 入心” 的感覺. 頓時我也放下手上的工作, 好好的品嘗這一杯酒.

拿著歌詞, 細心聆聽, 不得不佩服Wyman (黃偉文) 的功力, 觸動我之余, 也讓我有了些新的見解.

差不多冬至 一早一晚還是有雨
當初的堅持現已令你很懷疑 很懷疑

苦戀幾多次 悉心栽種全力灌注
這一次 你真的很介意

但見旁人談情何引誘 問到何時葡萄先熟透
你要靜候 再靜候 就算失守始終要守

留低擊傷你得石頭 從錯誤裡吸收
也許 豐收月份尚未到你也得接受
或者要到你將愛釀成醇酒 時機先至熟透

應該怎麼愛 可惜書裡從沒記載
終於摸出來 但歲月卻不回來 不回來

一千種戀愛 一些需要情淚灌溉
枯毀的溫柔 再最後會長回來
錯的愛 乃必經的配菜

想想天的一邊 亦有個某某在等候
一心只等葡萄熟透 嘗杯酒

但當你智慧都醞釀成紅酒 仍可一醉自救

誰都心酸過 那個沒有

Friday, August 12, 2005

My Jukebox

2005 collections up todate

活出生命LIVE演唱會 - 張學友
艷光四射 - 何韻詩
童話 - 光良
Ivana - 王菀之
陳綺貞精選 - 陳綺貞
meow meow meow - at17
kiss kiss kiss - at17
U87 - 陳奕迅

一直以來都很想為自己所買的專輯寫一些類似碟評的東西, 希望可以紀錄當下的心情和對那些音樂的看法. 可是這種想法卻遲遲都還未轉換成行動, 希望可以從下一張我買的專輯開始吧.

在還未向前邁進之前, 不如先做小小的回顧吧. 原來在過去大半年間我只對樂壇消費了8張專輯, 當中還有兩張不是今年發行的. 數量雖然不多, 可是每張都是誠意之作. 某種程度上我的音樂口味在今年是有些許的轉變, 可是我卻不懂怎樣具體的形容. 感覺上視野好像擴大了, 接觸到一些我以前可能不會喜歡的音樂類型. 這一切都是因為我中了
何韻詩的何菇毒, 讓我也闖進了她身邊的音樂世界. 從青山大樂隊人山人海, 讓我見識了K歌以外的世界. 這些音樂並非很另類或很地下, 可是卻比一般市場上的K歌耐聽很多, 至少我是這樣覺得. Well, 口味這種東西是因人而異的, 我很慶幸我可以遇到我所喜歡的.

我的消費模式時很靠timing 的, 一旦錯過了想買的時間那就很難成為我的囊中物了. 當然, 凡是都
會有例外, 可能那不是錯過對得時機, 而是時機還未到…….就好像Eason , 我已經覺得它不會成為我其中一件收藏品, 可是當我聽到了………

青山大樂隊 = 英師父, 王雙駿@doublecmusic 和李端嫻@人山人海. 為著名製作人, 擅於作曲, 編曲, 各種樂器. 除了和他歌手合作, 也是何菇C的御用的班底.

人山人海 Please proceed to their home here


Welcome everyone!
Please make yourself at home, make yourself a nice cuppa.
