Tuesday, December 27, 2005


又有新玩意(我相信我還是有點落後)引起我的興趣了 - lomo相機.

我還未完全的認識它, 還有待了解. 有誰可以指點下呢?

若能和它一拍即合, 相信也就是我破費的時候了......

Monday, December 26, 2005

Nasi Lemak

這是我今天早上的早餐, nasi lemak (椰漿飯). 不是放在常見的飯盒裡或香蕉葉, 而是漢堡盒裡. 什麼時候開始有這麼精巧的包裝? 我又孤陋寡聞了嗎? 不過, 它挺可愛的.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Now everyone can fly

這邊馬航宣布上半年累積虧損高達6億4000萬令吉, 另一邊亞航就回饋廣大的消費者, 送出兩百萬個免費機位(當然什麼admin fees, fuel surcharges還是要付的). 為什麼一個才成立幾年的廉價航空公司會有如此的成績, 而那所謂代表國家的大型航空則落得如此的地步?

亞航的服務和機艙環境當然不可以和什麼日航, 國泰或馬航相比, 可是嚴格來講都不算太差. 在非週末或假期期間, 機票的價錢確實是非常吸引的. 今年, 我就花了RM120去了布吉, RM150去了曼谷. 在這次的回饋活動本來是想要去柬普寨的, 可是去的人和時間都無法配合就唯有先擱置這計畫. 不過, 我都還是為自己預支了個假期, 這次(又)是曼谷和
還沒去過的清邁, 全程機票只需RM250. 可是嘛, 這假期可要等到6月才能啟程.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


口淡淡, 不如就整碗鮑魚粥leh.

食懵你囉, 魚片就有你得你食!


當我時時刻刻都覺得口渴, 需要不停地灌水, 鼻水毫無節制地流(這些都是我的例牌病症)的時候, 我知道我將面對戰敗的危機.......

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


我想, 今天我是贏家. 因為直踩了12個鐘, 是我這個hea人今年最勤勞的的一天.


正處與發病的邊緣. 我其實是很想就這樣病一場, 讓身體排(病)毒下. 但是嘛, 似乎沒這個時間來病, 唯有和病毒死過, 看誰先投降.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


之前在無線的台慶節目中周迅秀了一段電影中的<十字街頭>, 讓我看到了不是我想像中的她.

電影我是看了, 不想透露太多. 我會給不錯的評價, 心目中的滿分, 我會給周迅.

Monday, December 05, 2005



我不否認我和這敗類司機之間有點誤解, 所以造成雙方在條狹窄的路上僵持了好幾分鐘, 互不相讓. 現在事後冷靜地分析, 雙方其實都有不對的地方, 大家也有個自對的理由.

可我最氣的就是, 這敗類在我們僵持過後派了他的乘客下車和我談判, 企圖要我退一步. 若你是好聲好氣的, 我自然也讓得甘心點. 可是偏偏那談判的馬仔竟然說那敗類是什麼政府的人啦, 若叫警察到場, 我可能會比較麻煩. 真是激到爆燈! 現在是怎樣, 濫用權力, 欺負民眾啊! 我絕對不會是100%錯完, 可是你說我能怎樣? 我可不是向惡勢力低頭, 周圍也蠻熱鬧的, 可是若他真的'班馬", 我這個無靠山的女子也鬥不嬴他吧. 能怎樣? 不就是心不甘, 情不願地讓那敗類囉.

若這位人兄真的是什麼政府官員, 用這種手法解決問題, 我們國家的臉該擺在那裡? 這也是為什麼我會稱他為敗類,更糟的是, 他並不是友族敗類.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


twomoles 說要不是她現在幸福, 不然就會被林憶蓮弄得決堤了. 我沒有比她幸福, 那我是不是要準備好紙巾呢?

昨天開車時第一次把整張cd聽了一遍. 一首接一首得聽, 我竟然找不到我期待的東西. 一直到<再見悲哀>我才找到讓我記得起的旋律, 之前聽過的 (除了電台常播的本色和為何他會離開你) 都似乎沒在我腦海留下很深刻的第一印象. 是我期望過高, 還是我不懂得欣賞?

或許這些曲風不是我那杯茶, 可是我還是被她的聲音而感動的. 我相信這個因素會讓我嚐到這杯茶裡不一樣的味道.

<再見悲哀> 過後的那段獨白說出了沒有林振強的遺憾, 也促成了incomplete一曲的誕生. 個人覺得專輯名稱叫incomplete 其實也蠻不錯.

林憶蓮 / 本色

Friday, December 02, 2005


我那恨嫁的朋友終於等到那最重要的環節 : 求婚.

這也難怪, 所有的計畫都在討論和準備當中, 卻少了這一步. 還好她的男友沒拖得太久, 不然她就會被我們這些損友取笑地沒完沒了.

既然他在大廳廣眾唱情歌, 那你是不是也該禮尚往來回贈一首呢?
這首就當作參考吧. 它還未出碟, 所以要將就下這個radio version.

<圓滿> 何韻詩
曲: 何韻詩 詞: 黃偉文 編: 李端嫻/何秉舜









我已完全 因我已滿滿地裝滿你 再未完備

為何尋遍世上 追溯著名與利 

Thursday, December 01, 2005


在過去的一個星期裡我失去了對我蠻重要的自主權和自由度. 什麼時候吃飯, 吃些什麼, 晚上住那裡, 白天參觀的地方等, 都被專人安排妥當. 7天6夜裡去了上海, 杭州, 蘇州, 烏鎮, 無錫和南京, 簡直就是充實.

我沒到過神州 而且這次又是全家出動, 為了避免不必要的意見分歧, 所以參加旅行團就成了不錯的選擇. 因為是旅行團, 所以我並不寄予厚望, 甚至事前準備也省缺, 因為做了也不會派上用場. 這種模式的旅行不外乎就是那幾種, 去下某某景點拍拍照; 到特定的國營絲綢廠, 茶壺廠, 茶園, 珍珠館等消費, 為國家做點貢獻.; 密集式的每天驅車從一個鎮到另一個市. 雖然我並不喜歡這樣的模式, 但種種的山水風景古蹟的確讓我打開眼界, 也激起我繼續探索的好奇心. 就留待下次吧.

我想, 還是做回個自由人比較適合我.

Sunday, November 20, 2005



不少歌手都喜歡在演唱會中唱其他歌手的歌, 搞搞氣氛. 而我一直以來都滿喜歡聽這類的作品, 因為這樣可以知道該歌手的功力到底在什麼位置. 我也確實因為這樣對有些歌手改觀 (好壞兩面都有). 當然除了本身擁有的實力外, 選適合自己唱的歌曲也很考功夫的.

前幾天聽到楊小姐在和林一峰的拉闊裡唱的<藍雨>, 一聽就聽到她糟蹋了這首歌我最喜歡的部分. 即使過後我重頭聽過發現其實也不是非常差, 但也磨滅不了我聽到的破壞. 畢竟 <藍雨> 是我心目中的10大金曲, 要求難免會高一些. 楊小姐的現場功力一向都很飄, 時好時壞, 在唱別人的歌時是不是要慎重一些呢? 拉闊音樂會裡唱了不少別人的歌, 始終覺得她還是唱回她自己的會好很多.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


近來甚少幫襯星記, 就算每天早上都會經過它, 也沒留意到那長年都會擺在那的新產品廣告牌. 可是今早我就這樣停多一兩秒, 看到了牌子上的兩杯 cream brulee latte 和 peppermint mocha light. 心想, cream brulee 可以一試.

不知是人少的緣故, 還是他們一直都秉持顧客至上的服務態度 (我相信這會有別於不同的分店), 一入店就被禮待, 還寒喧一番. 在等我的 latte 時, 還弄了一小杯的peppermint mocha給我試. 這種服務態度是在令人滿意. 可惜的是, 他們不再給我們公司的員工折扣.

至於這杯所謂的cream brulee latte 嘛, 是他做的不夠好還是我真的不太了解什麼是cream brulee, 味道有點像那種 hazelnut/almond favoured latte. 陪伴在側的是black pepper chicken croissont.


神啊, 救救我吧 !


Friday, November 04, 2005


這種感覺很奇妙, 我仿彿就跟隨著作者的腳步, 一起探索了這條絲路.

作者是位香港女子, 隻身從雅典出發, 穿越了土耳其, 喬治亞, 亞塞拜然, 亞美尼亞, 伊朗, 巴基斯坦, 最後抵達新疆, 回到了祖國. 這些地方有些是男權當道的穆斯林國家, 女性在當地的地位是我們這些生活在另一個世界的人所不能想像和接受的. 作者在旅途中也因此遭遇到些不愉快的事. 我並不是不尊重別人的宗教信仰, 只是有些事是不是也應該隨著時代而做出適當的調整呢? 相比之下, 馬來西亞似乎好多了, 至少不會有只露出眼睛的黑衣女郎(除了從那些國家來的遊客), 也不會強制非穆斯林女性帶上頭巾, 穿長袍.

作者說在旅途的過程當中可以看到自己的不足和誠實地面對自己. 而我在閱讀的過程當中也竟然領略到這一點. 我發現原來自己並沒有想像中的勇敢, 也沒有超高的適應能力. 書中所描述的種種經歷若發生在我身上, 我也不懂該如何面對. 今年裡想的最多的事就是要為自己準備一個不一樣的旅程.雖然現階段只是空想, 並沒有實際的計畫, 可是 從別人的旅途中認識了自己後, 是不是應該做些調整呢?

<從絲路的盡頭, 開始> 鄒頌華 著

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


我部車今年經已係第三次入廠啦. 之前兩次, 一次係他人所害, 一次係自己疏忽. 今次係他人所害, 而且仲係兩個.

前幾日, 有位auntie在開閘門時並冇察覺到我部車就停係門前, 因而受到點皮外傷, 睇落不需急于送入廠. 點知, 隔兩日, 有位uncle在退車時與我部車發生輕微的接觸, 雖不至於很嚴重, 但都係需要入廠補一補返個妝.


有時, 唔係自己小心就可以冇事, 意外始終會發生.

Friday, October 28, 2005


突然, 所有的工作在一夜之間接踵而來, 而且都非常有默契地邁向同一個deadline, i.e. before year end.

都已經hea了這麼久, 是時候要為公司效勞了. 但是, 下星期是屠妖節和開齋節, 公假3天+compulsary leave 一天, 還有月尾拿了6天假, 所以嚴格來講, 整個11月我就只剩13個工作天. 我的老闆還似乎有要我們銷假的念頭呢. 若然老闆是願意賠償我老爸已經給了的上海鴨仔團費, 我想我是願意銷假的.

想畢, 這兩個月將會是非常有挑戰性和充實的.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

離開, 是為了回來

很多年前為個朋友送行, 第一次踏足晚上的機場. 雖然和那位朋友並沒有很交心的感情, 可是當進入機場的那一刻, 就有種莫名的傷感就油然而生. 在那之後的幾個月, 在我要離開的時候, 我記得那也是一個夜晚.

今晚, 又得在這種場合面對離別. 即將離開的朋友在未入閘之前眼淚就經已不受控制的奪眶而出, 不捨的神情盡露在臉上. 畢竟這是她第一次離開家, 而且又是去老遠的英國, 所以她的心情我們是能理解的. 相信現在在飛機上的她, 也已經消耗了不少的淚水吧.

我的朋友, 是時候棄掉這些傷感了, 好好發掘和享受另一種生活吧.

沒有離開, 又怎麼了解到回來的珍貴呢?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

通往 愛的路途

很久沒有這樣聽一張專輯了. 在沒有外來干擾的情況戴上耳機, 拿著歌詞, 很專注的從頭聽到尾. 我想這就是我這次工作出差晚上留在酒店的最大收穫.

覺得很好,很好聽, 就這麼簡單. 這和剛看完她的演唱會有關嗎? 我不知道. 但能確定的是, 在那戴著耳機的45分鐘裡, 我是有感動的時刻的.

梁靜茹 <絲路>
baileylatte's rating: 5 twinkle stars


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


她, 是值得我們憐惜和感到驕傲的.

在本地的中文樂壇裡就只有光良品冠在單飛之前辦過售票演唱會, 所以能成為第一位華裔女歌手在自家門開唱, 一路走來那是多麼不容易. 從參加海螺開始到現在, 所付出的努力也不是我們能想像的. 雖然我並沒有在那張海螺得獎作品專輯裡對她留下深刻的印象, 可是現在聽回去, 我似乎有少少明白為什麼李宗盛會看上她. 那時的她, 除了擁有那個年紀應有的青澀外, 演唱的功力其實不遜於今日.

不需要去置疑她唱現場的能力, 因為她從來就不曾讓你失望. 雖然她唱的大部分都是經典k歌, 可是一直以來我都認為她的k歌是有別於其他的. 我相信場內的每一位觀眾都會被她溫暖的歌聲而感染. 而我也相信她是感動的. 一開場, 我就感覺到她臉上有那種要在自家門發光發亮的喜悅.


<梁靜茹愛的大遊行大馬演唱會> 1st Oct 2005
  • 開場 - (一段)掌聲響起
  • 燕尾蝶
  • 不想睡
  • 聽不到
  • 無條件為你
  • 愛你不是兩三天
  • fly away
  • 瘦瘦的
  • 為我好
  • 候佩岑獻花
  • 我喜歡
  • 最想環遊的世界
  • 布拉格廣場
  • 茉莉花 + 東風破 + 甜蜜蜜
  • 絲路
  • 寧夏
  • 表哥表妹一家親 - 你是我的唯一 with 張智成
  • 快樂 - 張智成
  • I should be so lucky
  • 明明很愛你 - with 品冠
  • 明天我要嫁給你 - with 品冠
  • 後來的我們 - 品冠
  • 我們都知道
  • 如果有一天
  • 接受
  • 彩虹
  • 勇氣
  • 分手快樂 - 黃嘉千神秘出現
  • 一夜長大
  • 掌聲響起

Saturday, October 01, 2005

new month

1st day of the month:
new toothbrush, new pair of cons, new hair cut with a new colour (the original grown black, finally) by a new hairdresser.

more on the wish list:
new job, new bed, new hi-fi, more precise will be a new room in a new house.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

carry on

人總需要勇敢生存, 我還是重新許願.

Carry On Till Tomorrow

In younger days, I told myself my life would be my own
And I'd leave the place where sunshine never shone
For my life's too short for waiting when I see the rising sun
Then I know again that I must carry on

Carry on till tomorow, there's no reason to look back
Carry on, carry on, carry on

Beyond the shadows of the clouds and onward to the sky
Carry on till I find the rainbow's end
For my life's too short for waiting when I see the rising sun
Then I know again that I must carry on

Carry on till tomorow, there's no reason to look back
Carry on, carry on, carry on

Drifting on the wings of freedom, leave this stormy day
And we'll ride to tomorrow's golden fields
For my life's too short for waiting when I see the rising sun
Then I know again that I must carry on

Carry on, carry on, carry on

And when the heavy journey's done, I'll rest my weary head
For the world and it's colours will be mine
For my life's too short for waiting when I see the setting sun
Then I know again that I must carry on

Carry on till tomorow, there's no reason to look back

Carry on, carry on, carry on

Ever felt dumped on ?

I have learned something new from here. 貿易要公平 - 停止傾銷.


make trade fair

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

bloggers ethics Vs speech freedom

Bloggers beware
28 September 2005
Straits Times
(c) 2005 Singapore Press Holdings Limited

SO junior college students drunk on cyber-freedom and hotheads with strong opinions about ethnicity have been held to account for certain of their Internet postings. If a random trawl was done here of chatlines and Net journals known to the trade as blogs, there will be unamused frowns, if not warning lights flashing. Granted, most bloggers are having a lark - the more agitated the content and language, the more empowered they feel. But they should know the rules of play. In America, an airline stewardess was sacked for satirical things she wrote about her employer, Delta Airlines. Business- Week's cover story on Microsoft's loss of key personnel to rivals like Google mentions a staff blogger, who apparently is inside enemy No. 1 for his running commentaries judged to be injurious to the company's interests. The blogger knows he will be dismissed if his identity is uncovered.

On the revolution sweeping news-gathering, lame stream media is the derisive label given to mainstream media which do not adjust to the 'power shift' wrought by blog culture. It is clear: The reach of the blog is crossing boundaries beyond its original purpose of personal expression.

All this says that blogging is not terra incognita, if this is what Singaporean hobbyist-bloggers think the medium is. There are laws and conventions to observe, just as e-mail and letters to the editor are so governed. Here, as in other jurisdictions, the law of defamation should be every Net propagator's watchword. They would do well to understand the Computer Misuse Act. The case of the three persons charged with posting inflammatory remarks about Muslims will have alerted bloggers to an especial sensitivity that is not to be trifled with in a multicultural setting. If the intrinsic weakness of Net freedom is that many 'liberationists' are not fully aware of legal restraints and conventional pitfalls, it would be a straightforward matter of educating them. Internet service providers, schools and the media are the appropriate conduits for it. Showing good taste and a sense of appropriateness as a means of advancing the use of blogs for public discourse and ideas dissemination - even social mobilisation and marketing - requires time. A culture with its known parameters has to develop quickly as blogging is an unstoppable medium. This implies it can be misused.

Porn? No, blogs bug me more
Carl Skadian , fatherhood
28 September 2005
Straits Times
English(c) 2005 Singapore Press Holdings Limited
With inaccurate and inflammatory postings on the Internet, how do we keep kids from believing everything they read?

THE past few weeks have thrown up another worry about children and the Internet, as if parents don't have enough on their hands.
I'm talking about blogs.
As a journalist, I'm naturally wary of blogs already, mainly because bloggers are wont to throw accuracy out the window.
That's because checking facts seems to be the last thing on bloggers' minds unlike, say, mainstream publications which, for the most part, do their darnedest to make sure what they publish is accurate.
For bloggers, saying what they feel like saying seems to be de rigueur, consequences be damned.
Now, blogs have generated much controversy, but what happened here about two weeks ago takes the cake.
Just in case you missed it: Three people were charged with making racist comments in their blogs. They allegedly made seditious and inflammatory remarks about Malays and Muslims.
In one particularly galling incident, one among the three allegedly admitted to being 'extremely racist' in one of his entries online.
That just about did it for me and blogs.

I'm glad the authorities hauled the trio to court. Hopefully, doing so will send a message to like-minded folk in cyberspace that they'd better start putting the brain before the mouse.
As far as I'm concerned, blogs are possibly the worst things about the Internet. Sure, pornography and other stuff rightly furrow the brows of parents, but the things some bloggers say go far beyond the pale.
I have read some of these comments, chiefly because some sane members of the public occasionally e-mail such views to us, to raise a red flag about what goes on out there.
Frankly, some of the blog entries just beggar belief. The amount of vitriol being spewed by some of these chaps will leave you speechless. And all the talk about self-regulating is just so much bull to me. You read about cases where people are forced to shut down their blogs because they get a stream of invective from folks who don't agree with what they say.
But there are many more blogs which encourage like-minded people to come forward and pour petrol on the fire.
Then there's the curiosity factor. The Sarong Party Girl blogger was one. She might have toiled in relative obscurity for a while, but once the word got out, the hits just kept on coming.
In the case of the three charged under the Sedition Act, there was worse to come.
After news of the charges broke, some members of the blogging community made comments that seemed far from the realm of common sense to me.
Here were three people charged with making inflammatory statements - in a society where being tolerant is constantly drummed into us, no less - and other bloggers were worried about what the incidents bode for freedom of speech.
They were alarmed that the arrests meant there was some campaign afoot to curtail what one could say online.
They had got to be joking. I wonder where it says that freedom of speech means one can go around irresponsibly taking potshots at everyone one dislikes, with a medium which has probably the widest reach of all.
Sure, you might have the freedom to say what you want, but it comes with responsibility and accountability. Many of the bloggers I have come across have neither.
As I said, blogging, to me, is the biggest danger out there. It's also given me more work to do when it comes to my children.
Now, I have to find a way to keep my kids from believing what they read when they come across such blogs.
My children are part Chinese, part Indian and part Eurasian. Plus, they have relatives whose faiths are a whole spectrum, from Roman Catholic to Muslim.
Already, they're asking some hard questions about the state of the world today, especially when it comes to acts of terrorism that have been committed since 9/11.
Sometimes, without thinking, they mouth certain things after reading or watching a news item that I then have to catch.

With all these influences around them these days, irresponsible blogs are not going to help.


to the worried parents, regardless of the contents of the blogs, is your responsibilities to educate your children to judge what is right or wrong. And, is also your responsibilities to teach your children to become an ethical and responsible blogger.



Thursday, September 22, 2005


Your Birthdate: January 23

With a birthday on the 23rd of the month (5 energy) you are inclined to work well with people and enjoy them.
You are talented and versatile, very good at presenting ideas.
You may have a tendency to get itchy feet at times and need change and travel.

You tend to be very progressive, imaginative and adaptable.
Your mind is quick, clever and analytical.
A restlessness in your nature may make you a bit impatient and easily bored with routine.
You may have a tendency to shirk responsibility.
Very sociable, you make friends easily and you are an excellent traveling companion.

My fellow friends, what do you think about this?

Assessment ? ? ?

Well, is quite tiring actually.

Started from 8am and altogether i had accomplised 4 different tasks.

a) competency based interview
why all the employers like to ask these kind of questions? "give me a situation where you need to work in a team and achieve a goal", "give me a situation you handle conflicts" and bla bla bla. having not too much of real life experience, i still can manage the questions and satisfy them with various experiences during high school, university and work. Sorry to say that, come to a certain point i have to 老作 and come out with something.

b) case study
well, i am always not good in writing. even if you give me an hour to prepare for a new product launching proposal, my writing skills is still not superb.

c) presentation
turn yourself into a business consultant, recommend something to your client. 45 minutes of preparation time and 20 minutes of presentation. 口窒和詞窮的情況在所難免.

d) last but not least, group exercise
6 people having a round table meeting with 4 assessors sitting around you to see how you perform in a meeting. looks like putting up a show.

The whole process ended at 1.05pm with 1 or 2 five minutes break in between which was sufficient for me to grab some bites of sandwiches (they provided refreshments). there were 12 candidates in this morning session, adding the afternoon and the tomorrow sessions, at least i will have to compete with 47 candidates. well, i would say i am quite satisfy to reach this stage
and no doubt, i already gained such a good experience from here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Next assessment

"You have been shortlisted for the next assessment activity which is scheduled on 22 September 2005 (Thursday) from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.

The purpose of this 2nd assessment is to allow us to have a comprehensive view of your strengths and development needs in relation to our Programme.

As this is an important selection criteria for us, you are expected to perform your best. Your only preparation before the day is making sure that you are well rested, and able to focus your attention on the tasks at hand."

Monday, September 19, 2005


8 年前, 當我還未成年時, 你為你的事業創造了輝煌的這一頁. 在香港紅館上演了43場由你擔任主演及藝術總監的創意音樂劇<雪狼湖>, 引起了巨大的迴響. 香港演出之後, 這場風暴延伸至新加坡, 演了7場. 可惜當時我沒有這能力越過長堤來見證你的實力.

事隔8年, 你回來了, 而且覆蓋的版圖更大了, 確立了"有華人的地方, 都可以公演" 的目標. 為了不讓自己失望, 在未確定你會否到大馬公演之前, 就買了新加坡演出的票, 先看了再說. 因為之前廣東版的<雪狼湖>原聲大牒和< 不老的傳說> 專輯太深入我心了, 難免會害怕國語版的感覺會差一截. 所以在這段期間我都不讓自己去接觸那些歌, 避免自己會一邊看一邊作比較. 也因為這樣我把對<雪狼湖>的期望指數調到零的位置.

奈何, 當你開口唱第一句時, 我就知道我可以把廣東版放下, 完全投入你這一次的演出. 我從來沒有在一個室內的環境聽過你的聲音, 不懂是不是這個原因而給了我這種感動. 你的聲音就是這麼的有感染力, 滲透入每個人的心里.

雖然已對故事熟悉, 有時也知道下一首會唱什麼歌, 可是能親眼目睹曾經在腦海里想像的畫面, 那是無法形容的. 除了張學友, 其他演員當然也不可以忽視. 許慧欣的表現讓我忘了她是位偶像歌手, 正如張學友所說的, 她的外型上確實是比較接近 “寧靜雪”. 至於飾演 “寧玉鳳” 的陳松齡, 非常抱歉, 我真的無法控制自己把她和陳潔儀的歌聲作比較. 當然, 我並沒有懷疑過她的演技, 畢竟她在8年前就曾經擔任 “寧靜雪” 一角. 若真的要挑剔的話, 那就是她仍略帶廣東腔的國語吧. 分飾梁直和老狼的于毅, 和飾演寧母的杜鶴也有不俗的表現.

整個劇的所有事物如歌舞表演,舞台的設計, 燈光還有隱藏在台后的樂隊, 都互相配合得很好. 因為坐在control panel 附近, 所以我不時可以從電視螢幕看到音樂指揮杜自持先生. 雖然我不懂音樂, 可是每次都會很留意樂隊的陣容. 這次的演出, 我會把額外的分數加給這隊band.

不需太在意劇情是否make sense, 因為在一開始他就告訴了我們這是個傳說. 也希望這傳說可以永遠不老, 永遠流傳下去.


There are various of buses traveling between KL and Singapore and i think this is the most luxurious one. Of course the price is also the luxurious one. The ticket from KL costs S$39 (approx RM90) which is about 3 times higher than the cheaper ones. Whereas, the ticket from Singapore will cost at S$56. I only tried the KL-SIN way, not going to spend more on the same journey.

the bus

the route plan

the seat (with massage function)
the personal entertainment screen

the massage control panel & game controller
the bus stewardess
the meal - nasi lemak

Friday, September 16, 2005

damn it

Beacuse of a bloody faulty traffic light, i spent 1.5 hr instead of the normal 30-40mins on the road. I purposely made myself come into the office for this morning half to attend a client's presentation. Well, my collegue just had to left without me as i was not able to arrive on time. I would have just turn back home and prepare for my trip this afternoon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

讓梁祝輪迴再重生 讓音樂死去再活來

如果我有機會看<梁祝下世傳奇>的話, 我就不會在看之前聽這張專輯. 奈何, 我就無緣參與何小姐這次的舞台劇, 也就只能從這張soundtrack中看她的演出.

雖然曲目的篇排和劇的故事發展一樣. 但它是可以和舞台劇分開, 獨立當作一般流行專輯欣賞的. 和之前的<艷光四射>一樣, 製作陣容依然是青山大樂隊和hocc本人. 這次所有的歌詞都是出于黃偉文的手筆. 讓我覺得驚喜的應該是何秉舜(hobing乃是hocc的哥哥) 的出現吧. 他這次參與了幾首歌的編曲, 鋼琴和單簧管的演奏部分.

來, 讓你感染我所聽的梁祝吧.

02. <化蝶> Piano live version - Show “quali” 之作, 和鋼琴同步live 錄音.
03. <橘上>
04. <不是吟詩的時候> - 帶點神秘詭異, 有點嬌媚, sexy and 樂而不淫.
05. <長不大> - the rock begins
06. <汽水樽裡的咖啡> - 歌名就夠搶眼了, 用這樣的比喻來形容性別的錯摸實在夠有創意. 蕩氣回膓中帶有柔情的唱法, 和歌的內容不謀而合
08. <十八相送> - 情竇出開, 有點young的感覺, 如小奧所說, 有點像at17
09. <勞斯. 萊斯> - 喜歡它的吉他, 中國味的笛子和管子. 還有, 勞斯和萊斯的故事.
11. <有人跟蹤我> - the rock and dance continued…..
12. <做好準備> - 除了之前就已經聽過<化蝶>, <勞斯. 萊斯> 和<汽水樽裡的咖啡>, 這首歌是在cd 1st play 時讓我留下最深刻印象的. 整首歌就只有hocc的vocal 和 hobing 的鋼琴, 無須聯想到舞台劇
, 也很有畫面. 唯獨我略嫌歌名不夠有型, 和其他的比較之下就顯得普通.
13. <小淇> - 哼唱之作, 劇中的小淇是由楊淇飾演的.
14. <樓台會> - 由<十八相送>衍生而來的節奏, 感覺一樣輕鬆自在.

15.<萊斯. 勞斯>
16. <化蝶> - 這無疑就是主題作品, 詞曲編都配合的那麼好, 當然這也是最重要的一場戲.

baileylatte’s rating: 5 twinkle stars (爆埋燈)

我覺得這次的選曲蠻多樣化, 有輕鬆小品, 激昂的, 溫柔的, 當然少不了搖滾.而這些也正是我那杯茶.

你說比起開演唱會和製作一般大碟, 籌備個舞台劇和製作一張和舞台劇掛勾的大碟所要花的時間心機精神是無可計算的. 可是就是因為你的任性與堅持, 你的夢想實現了.
英台, 辛苦了.

more on 梁祝下世傳奇

After Ten

在過去的兩年裡都很少一手拿著歌詞本一邊細嚼cd, 因為都是在駕車時聽的. 所以很多時候都不會太注意到歌中所要帶出的訊息, 甚至可以在聽了很多次後才會後知後覺. 可是這並不代表我不注重歌詞, 每次在聽新唱片之前, 我都會先看誰是製作班底, 要記得那些credits是屬於誰的.

After Ten收錄了黃偉文過去十年的精選作品, 要從900多首中挑選34首出來, 對於一位創作人來說那是多麼不容易. Wyman親自為其中一隻CD揀選其心頭好作品,另一隻CD則邀請一班音樂好友去挑選他們喜愛的作品。 我沒有他作品的full list, 所以也不知道會有什麼落網之魚. 對於這份選單我是滿意的, 不少還是我喜歡的單曲. 如果真的要挑剔的話, 我想就只有打頭陣的F小姐吧, 我對她真的沒什麼好感. 另外比較遺憾的就是因為版權問題而無法收錄到寫給容祖兒,梅艷芳和陳奕迅在英皇時期的作品.

專輯的一大賣點就是找來了趙學而和劉美君分別重唱了陳慧琳的<最佳位置>和陳奕迅的<大開眼戒>. 我沒有聽過Kelly唱的版本,可是趙學而淡淡的演繹感覺好像更能貼近歌詞的情懷. 趙學而本來就是位唱得之人, 也有過一段輝煌期, 只是後期有點懷才不遇而淡出歌壇. 我還蠻期待她可以重返歌壇, 讓我有機會可以見識她的實力. 至於劉美君我更沒有能力發表什麼意見, 因為generation gap 可以說不認識. 無可否認身為前輩的她演繹上是沒有地方可以挑剔的, 但我還是喜歡eason的version多一點.

心水詞 : 再見露絲瑪利, 燕尾蝶, 如何掉眼淚, 婦女新知, 垃圾.
baileylatte's rating : 4 twinkle stars
Track list-
Disc 1 01. 奇洛李維斯回信 - 薛凱琪 02. 相依為命 - 陳小春 03. 調情 (bossa mix) - 鄭秀文 04. 目黑 - 周國賢 05. 我不會唱歌 - 李克勤 06. 曼谷瑪利亞 - Shine 07. 可惜我是水瓶座 - 楊千嬅 08. 你唔愛我啦 - 李彩樺 09. 最佳位置 - 趙學而 cover 10. 再見露絲瑪利 -何韻詩11. 好心分手 - 盧巧音 12. 心急人上 - Cookies 13. 日與夜 - 林憶蓮 14. 燕尾蝶 - Shine 15. 野孩子 - 楊千嬅 16. 犯賤 - 陳小春 17. 如何掉眼淚 - 鄭秀文 Disc 2 01. 大開眼戒 - 劉美君 cover 02. 會過去的 - 車婉婉,許志安 03. 婦女新知 - 莫文蔚 04. 給我愛過的男孩們 - 彭羚 05. 反高潮 - 陳奕迅 06. 到處留情 - 張信哲 07. 垃圾 - 盧巧音 08. 傾城 - 許美靜 09. 第二最愛 - 古巨基 10. 小王子 - 黃耀明 11. 小玩意 - 彭羚 12. 有人喜歡藍 - 蘇永康 13. 一人分飾兩角 - 王菲 14. 這麼近那麼遠 - 張學友15. 吻感 - 鄭伊健 16. 你沒有好結果 - 李蕙敏 17. 活得比你好 - 李蕙敏

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


我沒有攜帶硬幣的習慣, 得到的都會放在這些杯子裡. 公司抽屜裡有兩個小杯, 裝滿後就會轉移到家裡有分類的杯裡.



在過去的兩個星期裡, 我對樂壇作了以下的消費貢獻:

1. 愛 • 科學 - PixelToy
2. The Party - 達明一派
3. 十九樓半的夏天原聲大碟 (舊碟)
4. 林一峰游樂會2004 dvd (舊碟)
5. 梁祝下世傳奇 - 何韻詩
6. 黃偉文十年選
7. 張學友創意音樂劇 [雪狼湖]
8. 黃耀明滿天神佛攞命舞會03 (都是舊碟)

後四張今天才寄至府上, 還有待消化.

Thursday, September 08, 2005



愛 • 科學 Science of Love

PixelToy 由何山及胡詠絲(Candy Wu)於2001年暑假組成。二人為大學同學,因一次傾談下發現大家的音樂喜好類同,於是決定組成樂隊. PixelToy二人均有參與歌曲旋律創作工作, 何山主要擔任編曲及監製等工作, 而Candy則主力填詞及擔任樂隊主音.

我不知道應該則怎樣形容這張專輯, 從來沒有接觸這類的東西, 但慶幸, 我是喜歡的. 他們的音樂風格很電子, 很 digital, 利用電腦玩了很多效果. 可是感覺是舒服的, 不會過分的heavy. Candy的聲音很好聽, 即使唱不同的語言也有不同的味道. 我個人就喜歡她吟的<給蛀牙寫的一首詩>.

如果你聽厭了那些正規的流行曲, 這會是個不錯的選擇.

baileylatte's rating: 4 twinkle stars

01. Computer Data Only / Not Playable 02. 喘一口氣 Music Video 03. 媽媽不愛爵士樂 Music Video 04. 說說看 Music Video 05. 那個下午我在舊居燒信 Music Video 06. 喘一口氣 07. Good Morning 08. 說說看 09. 迴轉木馬 10. 媽媽不愛爵士樂 11. 一流 12. 啦啦啦啦啦 13. Winnie 14. 給蛀牙寫的一首詩 15. 什麼節快樂 16. 漂亮 17. Good Evening 18. 說說看(國) 19. 那個下午我在舊居燒信

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


晚晚係度煲妙手仁心3, 流覽陌生人但有趣的部落(當中有醫生,護士,記者.....), 聽新唱片. 返工都唔見咁勤力 如果可以不用睡覺, 幾好.

Monday, September 05, 2005

減食....or 敢(敢去)食

位於我家附近的得福小廚賣的便宜蟹遠近馳名, 逢週末都會爆滿, 週日也有不少人光顧. 我的同事就因為這樣登門造訪. 除了例牌的酸辣蟹, 黑椒蟹, 還有芝士蟹, 芝士焗伊麵等等. 不會算一級好吃或特別, 但就勝在夠大眾化.





Sunday, September 04, 2005

What type are YOU?

dynamic, active, extroverted

You are quite willing to accept certain risks and to make a strong commitment in exchange for interesting and varied work.

Routine, in contrast, tends to have a paralyzing effect on you.

What you like most is to be able to play an active role in events. In doing so, your initiative is highly pronounced.

link to have a try.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


有時我真的希望是你先放我, 那我就不用一直這樣拖拖拉拉. 我們的關係已經來到了岌岌可危的地步, 我已經不再對你有任何的興趣, 而你也給不到我所需要的. 我討厭 你每天會佔據我8小時的時間, 和你在一起時我總是心不在焉, 一直期待週末的來臨, 因為可以不用對著你. 那我 為何還要委屈自己留下來? 要離開總得先找到一個安穩的落腳處吧. 外面的世界風大雨大, 我又沒有一技之長, 那來這麼大的勇氣離開這個至少讓我豐衣足食的地方?

神啊, 請給我多一點勇氣.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Set Lunch

Had lunch with a friend working near Sheraton Imperial Hotel today. Instead of the fishball noodle at the old & "up dup" shop, i opt for something at the Heritage Row. Though i did crave for the fishball but that was far too hot for me. My friend said the set lunch of this French & Spanish Restaurant is quite reasonable, you know there arent really cheap stuffs along the Heritage Row. The sets are priced at Rm20++, RM 25++ and Rm35++. The set will come with salad, soup or tapas, main course, a cold drink and the dessert.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

任何一個人都不可以教我放棄, 我不會放棄的

再見了, 長今和閔大人. 謝謝你們在過去幾個月的每個週末下午4點到7點陪著我和無數的觀眾. 終於也來到了終點, 但願長今那永不放棄的精神不會在我們的生活中消失

Saturday, August 27, 2005

ole ole ole

這是我今年認識OLE 以來的第七次光顧. 朋友說這裡的咖啡有種幸福的味道, 我就認為還不至於去到那種境界. 可是至今我還是無法忘記喝下第一口latte時的那個味道.那層厚厚的foam 絕對不是從那些總有一間在附靜的咖啡連鎖店中所能得到的. 可能就是這個原因, 我喜歡上這裡的咖啡, 偶爾都會來這裡hea下. 這裡的咖啡也比連鎖店的貴, 食物種類屬輕便型. 若想填飽肚子而又好吃的話, 我就建議你可以先光顧附近聞名城中的叉燒飯或者牛肉麵.

ole cafe
48 Changkat Bukit Bintang (opposite Radius International Hotel, next to Deutsches Haus)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I want to leave now

Have been thinking to visit the bookstore to grab some books, magazines and CD right after work and i had actually got myself ready to leave at 5.30pm sharp. But..... no, is not my boss who ask me to stay back (in fact he has gone no where in the afternoon), is my colleague are asking me out for dinner. Well, i am not reluctant to eat with them but seem that i will have to wait until 7pm then only i can leave this crap place. You know, i am not as motivated as my colleague do, i am now having very very low interest to my job. What am i going to do in the next hour? Hmm, i think i will have my shower in the gym.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i am what i am

i am what i am

<男或女, 喜歡誰? 我不會多作解釋. 不管你喜不喜歡我, 我都很喜愛我自己.>

Monday, August 22, 2005

Why Kukup?

為什麼會是KUKUP? 一個離開KL有差不多4個小時車程(如果沒有多餘的停下來吃東西, 塞車或者狂風暴雨天氣的阻擋) 的小魚村. 其實就是想找個"就腳"(這個形容詞比較適合那些從新加坡過來的人) 的地方大家聚在一起, 為即將遠赴他鄉工作和踏上紅地毯的兩位朋友有一番"搞作". 要製作驚喜是困難的, 但我想我們已經有足夠的能力去應付, 我們人強馬壯, 有甚麼不可? 一齣五分鐘的搞笑劇和一首企圖賺人熱淚的<童話>. 正如艷芬所說的, 我們就是這種喜歡搞作的人, 娛樂他人之餘, 自己也獲得無限的滿足. 雖然被荃暉18歲的妹妹說我們這些"老餅"很難得仍保留一顆純真的心, 但我想這就是我們.

kUkUp 20~21 August 2005

day 1 ~ 20 august

0715 - depart from my house
0800 - depart from sylvia's house
1000 - breakfast at malacca
1130 - jorney continued.....
1400 - arrival at kukup
1400 ~ 1730 - indoor activities
1730 - afternoon tea
1800 ~ 2100 - indoor activities continued....
2100 - dinner
2300 - SHOW TIME !! - The bridal shower drama
2330 - drinking cum talking session
0200 - zZZZZzzzzz.......

day 2 ~ 21 august

0930 - breakfast talk
1100 - bridal shower video session
1130 ~ 1330 - indoor activities & photo sessions
1330 ~ 1500 - lunch
1500 - depart from kukup
1900 - stuck in the traffic after malacca
2000 - no choice, dinner at seremban
2100 - journey continued....
2215 - arrive sylvia's house
2245 - reach my house, finally......

x x x x

2300 - "jewel in the palace" repeat on tv
0200 - zzZZZZzzzz.......

Friday, August 19, 2005

check check check list

check list:
1) digital camera
2) video camera
3) tripod
4) theme song cd
5) cds to be played in car
6) junk food
7) drinks.....but i still havent got the vodka and
8) what else?

Kukup here i come!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Great, you are back.

Yeh, my best fren at home has came back, my beloved CPU. Though you have gone thru a brain replacement operation and washed away all my precious memories, i feel great that you are still with me. Well, i think we just have to start our relationship all over again and hope that you will not hurt me again.

Monday, August 15, 2005

BBQ in the rain???

Cool, the sky was clear of haze during the weekend! Come, lets have bbq instead of "pot luck" on the sunday party (not intended to increase the API). You know, is not necessary to have so many chances to bbq at the pool side of one of the KL mid,high-end condominium(of course, is not mine).

Aih, we still missed the great chance to go under the sun after all these depressing weather because of the afternoon downpour......

So, what to do with the chicken wings and food? Then just cook them in the kitchen and eat lo.....