Thursday, September 22, 2005

Assessment ? ? ?

Well, is quite tiring actually.

Started from 8am and altogether i had accomplised 4 different tasks.

a) competency based interview
why all the employers like to ask these kind of questions? "give me a situation where you need to work in a team and achieve a goal", "give me a situation you handle conflicts" and bla bla bla. having not too much of real life experience, i still can manage the questions and satisfy them with various experiences during high school, university and work. Sorry to say that, come to a certain point i have to 老作 and come out with something.

b) case study
well, i am always not good in writing. even if you give me an hour to prepare for a new product launching proposal, my writing skills is still not superb.

c) presentation
turn yourself into a business consultant, recommend something to your client. 45 minutes of preparation time and 20 minutes of presentation. 口窒和詞窮的情況在所難免.

d) last but not least, group exercise
6 people having a round table meeting with 4 assessors sitting around you to see how you perform in a meeting. looks like putting up a show.

The whole process ended at 1.05pm with 1 or 2 five minutes break in between which was sufficient for me to grab some bites of sandwiches (they provided refreshments). there were 12 candidates in this morning session, adding the afternoon and the tomorrow sessions, at least i will have to compete with 47 candidates. well, i would say i am quite satisfy to reach this stage
and no doubt, i already gained such a good experience from here.

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